
Automatic Rent Reporting for Tenants

Help them build credit each month by reporting their on-time payments and give them FREE ACH payments too!

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Make life easier
Easy set up, cancel anytime

Easy set up, cancel anytime

Report to major bureaus

Report to major bureaus

Free ACH payments as a bonus

Free ACH payments as a bonus

Only $6.95 a month

Only $6.95 a month

Enable rent reporting, empower your tenants

Enable rent reporting, empower your tenants

We understand how important it is to build a credit history and help our tenants do it with little to no hassle.

Rent reporting encourages on-time payments, improves your tenants’ financial outlook, and strengthens your landlord-tenant relationship. Win, win. Win.

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Free ACH Fees with Rent Reporting

Reporting rent with TenantCloud has its perks. Like $0 ACH fees for rent payments as long as tenants are enrolled.
Here's how it works:

Choose a lease with recurring rent invoicing

Turn on rent reporting for this lease

We'll waive your tenant’s ACH fees

Tenants can see an update to their score in as little as 30 days

Why rent reporting?

When on-time rent payments are reported, they can have a positive effect on your payment history. Building a credit history increases your chances of having a higher credit score and can improve purchasing opportunities, such as qualifying for home and car loans.

Lenders use the credit report to gauge the likelihood of you paying back a loan.

Get access to better properties and be more likely to be approved for getting a mortgage, car loan, or credit card.

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Make life easier TenantCloud

Ongoing Rent Reporting

Tenants can report ongoing rent payments for just $6.95 a month. Payments are processed on the 21st of each month. Available for U.S. residents only.

Historical Rent Reporting

Tenants can also potentially boost their credit score by reporting previous 24 months of rent payments to credit bureaus, otherwise known as back rent reporting. This is a one-time fee of $49.95. To maximize on-time payments, tenants can opt-in to both ongoing and historical rent reporting at the same time.

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Make life easier TenantCloud

Give tenants growth opportunities

Pricing & Plans

Designed for DIY landlords and small portfolios.
$17 $15 .60 /m
Everything you get with Starter:
  • Rent Payments
  • Maintenance Management
  • Listings and Applications
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Show features
Designed for large portfolios.
$32 $29 .30 /m
Everything in Starter, plus:
  • Lease Builder
  • Landlord Forms
  • Property Message Board
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Show features
Designed for property managers or businesses with large portfolios.
Let’s talk Let’s talk /m
Everything in Pro, plus:
  • Team Management & Tools
  • Task Management
  • Listings Auto-Refresh
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