Why do I need a website?
Maybe because we live in the Era of Internet? According to a poll by YouGov, 76% of people looking to rent would go to the internet first to find what they need; rising to 88% for those aged 25–34.

I imagine this is not the first time you have been told to get a website, because an online presence is a top source of getting potential prospects. I know, you do online listings and you post your ads, so you think you have “online” covered. But with new listing sites popping up all the time, it's hard to maintain listings on all sites. Upload all the photos, write the description and add the amenities and hope you don’t make any errors. Then repeat a dozen times to get on as many sites as possible. Internet listing sites are great sources for leads, but they don't always paint the whole picture of what you have to offer and they are burdensome to keep up with. The number one best listing site that gets overlooked all the time – is your own website.
Here are 3 reasons why you need a Landlord website:
1. A website is an investment, not a cost.
Your website is a reflection of your business - it says who you are and what you offer. Once a website begins producing leads, it generally continues to do so. Most website can be put together at little to no costs, so it is a very cost effective way to promote your properties. Providing information to your customers takes time, whether it's on the phone, face-to-face, or in emails. With a website, you can provide information about your properties and your company which is easily accessible to your customers and you can save it, so the next time it’s easier - saving you valuable time and money.
Related: Grow Your Rental Business With Property Management Software: A Step-By-Step Guide
2. Accessibility is one of a major keys.
Office hours are often too restrictive to prospects who are working full-time or live out of town. Providing rental information and photo galleries on your website, allows potential tenants to view your property without leaving the comfort of their current home. We're living in the era of instant gratification and convenience - your tenants or prospects will appreciate a landlord or management company who embraces technology and allows communication to flow online.
3. Your website is your portfolio.
Your website provides renters with the ability to view all your properties in one location, get an idea of the quality of rentals you provide and find the best fit for their next home. You can also spotlight on high-vacancy buildings to help boost the number of viewings online. The more the property is seen, the greater the odds are you'll generate leads needed to fill your vacancies.
Now you see that having a website is a must have!
You may wonder what a site might cost? It can be expensive, but let’s discuss some free options that cover all the basics of what a website should be. Things like easy marketing, ability to contact you, access to an application for renting a unit, information on you as a company or landlord, pictures and have it all saved so you don’t have to recreate it every time. Sign up at www.tenantcloud.com as a landlord and go ahead. Take a look at your brand new website. I know that you have not enough time to build your website, that is why TenantCloud prepared six templates to fulfill your real estate design taste.
Related: The Best Site To Advertise Rental Property: How TenantCloud Makes Your Listings Competitive

And the biggest bonus you get - is a property management system to manage your properties without spending too much time and money. I see you want to start using it immediately, so I’m not going to take your time. Enjoy your new Landlord website :)