Recycling is not only another trend- it has become a lifestyle for numerous people all around the world. The consequences of human activities have made it clear that something needs to be done to protect the environment and reduce the negative effects of uncontrolled consumption and poor waste management.
Building a home recycling center
Though 94% of Americans support recycling and up to 34% of waste is recycled throughout the country, the most critical issue is still sorting of discarded plastic. A good way to improve people’s awareness is to show them how to properly manage waste and make them realize that basic methods of waste management are easy to practice.
Following that initiative, multiple offices of international corporations have provided waste separation bins for the employees to form a daily habit of sorting waste. The practices of centralized recycling contribute greatly to the eco-friendly mentality and the way people treat environmental issues at this point.
Landlords and property owners who are concerned about environmental issues can also contribute to the waste management programs and encourage their tenants to sort waste, for a start. But prior to adding a specific clause on waste sorting and charging your tenants for not following the agreement, you should take care of the home recycling center and contact a local waste management company to schedule trash pickup services for your rentals on a regular basis. Otherwise you’ll get tons of “how-to” questions from your residents.

Recycling varies in each state- some require you to purchase extra bins for glass, while others sort the recycling themselves. Do a little research to find out what the best practices are in your area.
DIY recycling bins
Disposal bins are not an expensive upgrade. Some bins can be easily made with the things you have at home like metal buckets or repurposed cabinets. Mark each bin so your tenants know exactly where a can or a plastic bottle goes. Recycling is usually divided into paper, cans, plastic, and waste.
Take a look at the 20 DIY recycling bins you can use in your rentals: 20 DIY Home Recycling Bins.
Also, make sure your tenants keep recyclables organized and clean. That will help to avoid household clutter and make the space look more spacious.
Consume less, reuse more
Consuming less and leading a plastic-free lifestyle is only easy in theory. The world produces and successfully promotes so many products that you can hardly stay aside and keep yourself from buying stuff you don’t actually need. But with some extra effort and a well-established spending plan, you can become a guru of smart consumption. And more importantly, you might set an example for your tenants.
Since some plastics may last forever, repurposing already existing plastic items and turning them into useful products is a smart solution. If your renters utilize tons of plastic bottles or containers, don’t get rid of them right away. There are some creative DIY projects you and your tenants might be interested in.
Here are 20 Ways to Reuse Plastic Bottles.
We’ve asked our users if they support any recycling programs. According to the Twitter Poll results, only 8% don’t support any recycling program. At the same time, 36% of respondents try to recycle waste on a regular basis.

Do you have any recycling tips you’ve implemented in your rentals? Are there any other waste management techniques you’d like to share?
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