Summer is always a great time to move as school's out, sun is out longer and the warm weather is much better than a coat. This all leads to a summer shake-up with lots of tenants moving in and out. Vacancies don’t bring in returns, so finding ways to snag a great tenant and top rent are now in focus. Sprucing up your rental to show it off only helps on both fronts.
Give 'em Fresh Air
Make sure your air conditioning unit works to avoid leaving your tenants struggling with the heat. Having a professional inspect your air conditioning unit along with your water and electrical systems ensures no problems will arise during your tenants’ stay and also keeping costs down long term as it avoids inefficient operations that could cause the system to brake. If you tend to DIY, you can start by changing the filter, which is typically located in the blower unit where the unit meets the return duct. A clogged filter can lead to expensive damage if the cooling coil ices up, so it is easier and cheaper to replace it regularly.
Related: Summer Rental Checklist:Top 6 Tips How To Make Houses For Rent Ready To Move In

Windows And Doors Issues
Don’t forget to inspect problems that might occur with your rental doors and windows. Leaks cause troubles affecting the inside temperature of your rental home, so fix issues before new tenants move in. The window screens should also be in good condition. And one more thing, aesthetically, it’s a good idea to trade out dark, thick curtains for lighter solutions that allow sunlight into the interior.

Good Old Cleaning
With the arrival of summer season, it is necessary to remove the grime from all rental, including the fans. Your tenants may experience an embarrassing downpour of dust when they turn on the fan for the first time. A quick swipe on each blade can avoid any issue when showing the unit on a hot summer's day.
Safety Is Important
By saying safety, we mean smoke detectors. While this isn’t necessarily a summer-specific tip, it’s as good a time as any to test smoke detectors and security systems and ensure they’re functioning properly. It is also great to make inspect fire extinguishers and other safety equipment.
Aesthetic value and presentation of the space is a very important point when doing showings or taking photos for a listing. You may want to include light colors, that evoke a feeling of summertime while allowing sunlight through the already clean windows ;)
Related: Decorating Rental Apartment Ideas: Pros Of Minimalist Style

Spruce Up The Landscape
One of the benefits of winter is that you don’t have to deal with as many landscaping issues as you do during the spring and summer. But time has come (if you didn’t manage to do it with beginning of Spring). Take care of the outside: trim the overgrown plants and bushes, planting fresh flowers, clean any dead foliage.

With these tips you are ready to bring in a new tenant and show off your property. This will also help you in not getting maintenance calls later or complaints. A little summer prep work now can really help throughout the year.
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