Recently we launched The TenantCloud Quarterly to provide ongoing insight and analysis of real estate trends that hit the market in last years. Based on company data and user survey (based on 711 responses from Landlords), the latest shows U.S. rental occupancy rates are at the highest rate since 1993 and the country saw the largest percentage rent increase from January to March. This helps in explaining why so many people are jumping into the rental market as first-time landlords, two-thirds of TenantCloud landlords polled classify themselves as “part-time” landlords, and more than one-third have been a landlord for less than five years.
Below is the survey responses we received most recently:
How do you refer to yourself?

How long have you been a landlord?

What is your average rental?

As a landlord, do you rent or own your place of residence?

Are you a part time landlord?

As a landlord, what do you spend the most time on?

Who are your average tenant(s)?

Has the ages of your average tenants changed in the past 5 years?

Are you optimistic about the real estate market?

What is most valuable when selecting a tenant?

What is your top characteristic of an ideal tenant?

What is the average age of your ideal tenant?

How would you classify yourself?

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