Now many businesses are moving to the cloud, where information can be protected and accessible anytime. It increases efficiency, improves cash flow, stores your information securely and saves your most valuable resource - time.

Here are five reasons why you need to say goodbye to drawers full of receipts, notebook ledgers, excel spreadsheets and move to the cloud:
Information is accessible any place anywhere. If you can connect to the internet then you can define your workplace. Including multiple devices. No more being tied to a location to finish a project or find information on a tenant. Quick, easy and accessible.
TenantCloud is a cloud based software that allows you to manage all of your rental information in one convenient location. You’ll be able to move in tenants, manage leases and even collect rent online.
As you add more rentals, data storage and organization is key. Tenants, owners or even the courts will need access to information on short notice. Storing information on a cloud based platform provides you with the flexibility to manage the day-to-day tasks and still have access to any information you need on a phone or tablet. You can quickly message or email data on to those who might need it without having to hand deliver it.
TenantCloud allows you to scale storage if needed. Capacity up to 1 Gb is enough storage to keep information on 100 rentals for seven years.
Cloud servers are being maintained by an active group of developers who continues create better features automatically. They manage changes, expansions and software updates for your convenience. Even having a property management tool downloaded to your computer requires constant updates to avoid data theft and functionality. Cloud based platforms are constantly developing new features. TenantCloud is constantly making landlording easier, so you get the latest as soon as it is available.
Your personal computer, a drawer or notebook are all subject to such events as floods, fire or even theft. Your laptop or phone might contain valuable information like pictures or messages from tenants and if it is damaged then it's gone forever. Keeping your data in such places exposes you to many risks. Storing your information on the cloud saves your information from data loss and theft. Tenants information is important, so storing it safely and securely is a must. The cloud provides the only place that can truly protect such information for the seven years needed.
Money Saving
A cloud based online account will also help you save money. There’s no need to purchase expensive external hard-drives, notebook, containers, folders for rental information. No need to buy expensive software and pay for the continual updates. No more risk of losing information that might cost you a loss of a deposit or rent in regards to a dispute or general record keeping.
TenantCloud offers not only cloud space, top security and full accounting for you rentals, but it comes at no cost. Keeping your rental business at top performance shouldn’t be expensive.
These five methods above are ways to utilize a cloud service to help your rental business continue to thrive. If you find yourself deciding between running your operation on the cloud or storing your information yourself we hope you will consider the costs and risks associated with it.
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