Dear users! We are tickled pink to announce our system updates! Our work is never done here at TenantCloud, as we keep improving it every day.

We are happy to announce Tenant Screening background checks! Tenant screening provides you with information you need to know about your potential tenants. Life becomes easier with background check: SSN validation, address history, sex offender list, terrorist watchlist, national criminal search powered by Checkr. Now it is really easy to find the best tenants!

Also, we want to present new features you will find both essential and helpful:    

Tenant Screening Process: For landlord, tenant and ServicePro



background check powered by Checkr

screening notifications and emails 

ability to manage and accept application fee

prorated rent automatic calculation 

ability to delete open recurring transactions

a new type of unit - condo 

lease and accounting details design improvements


ability to pay application fee via Dwolla or PayPal 

screening authorization page added

ability to view background check report 

screening emails and feed notifications added


ability to add and manage maintenance requests

business profile improved

As always, we invite you to send us your ideas, comments and suggestions on how we can improve and help manage your business better. We are here to partner in your success as a whether you are a Landlord, Tenant or ServicePro.

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