A landlord isn't just a person who takes care of a rental and collects rent payments. A landlord is also someone who creates favorable living conditions for their tenants by keeping the rental property in a good condition and preventing costly repairs.
More than 40% of tenants aren't satisfied with their rental maintenance, especially when it comes to urgent maintenance issues. What's the reason for such a sad statistic? Probably some landlords haven't developed the maintenance habits needed to effectively deal with maintenance requests.

Let's take a look at the most common maintenance issues tenants encounter and the best ways to resolve them.
Something's wrong with the HVAC.
If your HVAC isn't working during the summertime, be ready to receive a ton of complaints from your tenants. When it's impossible to stay indoors because it's hotter than outside, why would anyone need to rent a property? To keep your tenant, try to fix the issue as soon as possible once you're informed there's something wrong. Nobody wants to live in a rental that resembles a sauna. Even at the end of summer, air conditioners are still cooling apartments in certain parts of the country. Before fall arrives, contact a licensed heating contractor to inspect and service your gas heater or furnace to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Your local utility company will often provide this service for free. If you use a hot water system for heating, drain the expansion tank, check the water pressure, and bleed your radiators.
Related to: Rising Up to the Fall Challenge: Rental Property Maintenance Checklist
Clogged drains.
Another common maintenance problem is clogged drains. Most tenants deal with this problem themselves using verified methods or calling a plumber. But if you've received a maintenance request regarding this, there's no way to escape. One thing to keep in mind is that you don't necessarily need to use toxic chemicals to clean a clogged drain. There are some easy ways to naturally clean a clogged drain, such as using liquid dish detergent and hot water or salt and hot water.
Something's leaking.
When you or your tenant detect a water leak, the first thing that needs to be done is to identify what's damaged. It might be a washing machine hose or a pipe. To avoid putting the downstairs neighbors at risk, call a service professional. Although renter's insurance is likely to cover accidental damage, you'll need to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Install a water leak detector to prevent water leakage. A water leak detector is an electronic device that detects leaks in a water system. It costs around $10. Keep in mind that it'll take more than $300 to repair a leaking pipe if the leakage hasn't been diagnosed in time.
No hot water in the rental.
No hot water in the rental is better than having no water at all. But you're likely to deal with angry tenants in both cases. If there's something wrong with the hot water tank, you'll need to replace it for sure. Look at the water that comes from the faucet first. If it's muddy or has a metallic taste, you'll need to replace the hot water tank. The average cost of the tank with installation is about $850. But please, hire a licensed plumber to install it.
Related: 6 Important Home Maintenance Tasks You Can Do On Your Own
Pest problems.
It's not just burglars that enter properties without permission - bugs and pests can also be unwelcome guests in your rental. Look around the house for cracks and holes (favorite entry points of unwanted visitors) and plug them with spray foam or concrete repair. Do it prior to renting out the rental and you'll receive fewer complaints about pest issues from your tenants.
TenantCloud offers a great solution to manage maintenance requests with ease. With TenantCloud maintenance requests, you can get videos and pictures of issues, connect with service professionals, send messages, and create invoices linked to maintenance request numbers.
Are there any other maintenance requests you've received from your tenants? Share your experiences by leaving comments below. :)
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