We can’t stop making new features for you! In the latest release, TenantCloud has become even more customizable and functional, you’ll definitely like it.

Now, more about the most important ones.
Landlords can add equipment to every property/unit. Vacuum cleaner, washing machine, toaster… Everything is under control, with photos, receipts, notes and even the warranty expiration date. There is also an option to create recurring maintenance requests for every equipment.
Related: Online Property Management Software Updates: New Landlord Account Design

Dashboard has become customizable. Landlord can click the button in the upper-right corner of every widget and drag and drop it to the desired position. Calendar widget is added to the landlords dashboard and reflects the amount of events for the current day.

In the new listing preview page, landlords can now find out all they need to know about every rental listed, quickly share it on social networks, get the listing link on the landlord’s website and invite to apply your prospective tenant.
As for other improvements, Tenant Statement Report shows now pre-paid and partially paid transactions. A new date paid column is added. Now you can arrange the order of screening questions for your Rental Application template.
Accounting page header stats are changed and show the expected rent for the current month, the received rent for the current month and the rent late for the current month.
Tenants Contact list is now separated into the active and not active tenants for your convenience.
Can’t wait to see how it works? Log in and figure it out!
Best Website For Landlords: TenantCloud Free Property Management Software Solution
Latest Free Property Management Software Release: TenantCloud New Features