As you know, one of the main duties of landlords is handling maintenance requests, and it can be challenging to coordinate communication, repairs, invoices, schedules and more. But TenantCloud maintenance management can help you with that.
TenantCloud Maintenance
The best way to handle all your tasks is to store them in your TenantCloud account. It helps organize all the things that need to be done. All the requests are divided into three sections - New, In Progress and Resolved, so you can easily track the progress of each one.

Create a new request
If you’ve got used to our old maintenance requests, you may have noticed that we’ve changed their structure and design. Now everything is simpler and more convenient for both landlords and service pros. In order to submit a new request, you first need to choose the type and a category - Plumbing, Appliances, Household, Outside, Electrical, Exterior house or Other. Then choose a sub-category, issue, and sub-issue. This can assist in narrowing down 1,200 different problems to 4 simple questions.

Connect with Service Pros
You can do a maintenance request yourself or assign it to a service professional. In case you assign it to a service pro, they will be notified and get access to the request you created. If you don’t have the right person in your TenantCloud list, add them manually by clicking “Create new professional”.

Requests from Tenants
The next problem is how to know what exactly should be done and when. The ability for tenants to enter the issue with ease helps you narrow down the problem and upload a picture, so you can assess the situation without ever having to go to the property.
Tenants can fill in the residents information - at what time they are available, authorization to enter and pets in residence. This will help in arranging the best time for maintenance to be completed.
TenantCloud notifies you every time your tenant has submitted a new maintenance request.
Instead of tiresome emails and phone calls, TenantCloud allows to communicate with tenants and service pros right within the maintenance request.
Related: Organizational Rental Property Ownership Tips: How To Write Notes?
Landlords can create invoices linked to the maintenance request number, and all the transactions related to the maintenance request will be shown on its preview page. The request can be shared with multiple tenants on the lease or unit. It allows landlords to keep track of all their expenses.
For step-by-step instructions, go to:
How to assign a maintenance request to my service pro?
How to connect with my service pro?
The Best Place To List Rentals: TenantCloud Personal Landlord Website