How do I view my properties?

To view the list of the properties, open Portfolio → "Properties" from your left-side menu and click "view" on the property:

Here you can view the property data divided into tabs:

  • Profile tab includes general property information: property name, address, features, and amenities;
  • Specs tab allows you to add, keep track, put details about doors, paints, flooring, and keys information;
  • Owners section includes the information about assigned owners, net and flat distributions, management fees, renewal fees, and service fees;
  • Financials tab includes information about property insurances: homeowners insurance, flood and earthquake insurance, property loans; amount interest, loan type, start/end load date and bank, and property purchase information; purchase price, depreciable years, and annual depreciation;
  • Utilities section includes information about utilities responsibility and the utility provider's contact information.

You can also search for a specific property or filter the list of them:


Last updated:
Mar. 26, 2024